Monday, December 30, 2013

Applebee's Offering $375 New Years Eve Dinner

Original Story

First off I'd like to say you can step off the ledge now, the Salzsquatch is back from vaca and ready to spit blog magic. Wasn't quite sure what was blog worthy for my triumphant return, and then I saw this nonsense via Yahoo. Apparently nothing is to douchey for NYC during NYE, they just had to take it one step further. A restaurant whose food I wouldn't pay $37.50 for is charging $375. I realize that the fare you're going to be partaking in is far superior, but that price is still too ridiculous to even fathom. Now I'd like to sit here and rip on New York City all god damn day for being so high class, but the truth is I'm so envious of this price package it's ridiculous. $375 for an Applebee's buffet? Throwing around that kind of money is the biggest fuck you to every peasant on the face of the planet. So am I jealous I'm not sitting court side at Times Square and watching the ball drop behind a massive platter of Applebee's Chicken Crispers? Yeah I'm pretty fucking pissed.

P.S. Am I the only person wondering how the hell Alice from Telemericorp landed the job as Applebee's Executive Chef? Mind blowing career change.

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