Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Champion Baptist Coach Pulls Biggest Pussy Move In 2013 At The 11th Hour

Original Story

As everyone probably knows by now, Southern University laid an absolutely merciless smack down on Champion Baptist the other day, final score, 116-12. This game made headlines everywhere due to the fact that it was just plain embarrassing for Champion Baptist that a team could do that to them. Everyone pretty much forgot about it until today when the head coach at Champion said he was disappointed in Southern for playing hard throughout the game despite having a big lead. WHAT?!?!?!? This dude clearly doesn't have any idea what sports is like. Face it dude, your team fucking blows. Yeah they had the lead and still pressed, big deal. He acts like it's every teams job to stop playing hard despite blowing a team out. I honestly cannot even believe this guy had the balls to come out and say he was disgusted by this. Now normally I'd make a top 5 list of the biggest pussy moves of 2013, but I can't think of anything even close to this. Advice for Champion Baptist: cancel your basketball program and save money. You're welcome.

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