Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Journey Guitarist Marries Smoke in Douchiest Wedding Ever

On Sunday Neil Schon, guitarist for Journey, got married to former "Real Housewives of D.C" star Michaele Holt Salahi. Now normally this would seem like a "who gives a shit" moment, which I guess it is, but its almost so "who gives a shit" that everyone needs to give a shit. These two did so many colossally ridiculous things at their wedding that I don't even know where to start. For one, they apparently paid $246,000 just to use the Palace of Fine Arts as the venue. Still not even exactly sure what that is, but it sounds important so whatever. And what is a wedding to the "stars" without celebrities of similar caliber. The guest list spanned from Omarosa, who legit could pass as Lawrence Taylor's twin brother, to Sammy Hagar. The kicker to all of this? These dickheads actually thought that the United States public cared so much about this ordeal, that they put it available to watch via pay-per-view for $14.95. $14.95!!!! Who is Neil Schon kidding thinking that that is a good idea? I cannot wait until the numbers come out on how many people actually bought this. The number might be less than 50. On a more important note, can anyone just put whatever they want on pay-per-view? Can I just call Suddenlink and tell them I need a camera crew here stat to start the pay-per-view special on me watching every James Bond movie and blogging my face off for the next 48 hours? Because if that's the case I will make that call right now.

P.S- There is no way that Michaele Salahi actually had this many bridesmaids. 
Has to be trolling everyone. Can't say I hate the move. 

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