Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Is Fudge Kidding Me With This Blog Game Right Now???

So one day I am sitting on my couch and get the brilliant idea to start a blog and become internationally famous. Now am I mean or selfish? No. I decide to take my close personal friend and brother, Fudge, along for the ride with me. Day one of blogging, Fudge kills it. Then he disappears. Didn't hear from him for days until he threw up a last second hail mary and blogged about the Cowboy's epic collapse. Monday passes, no blog (granted I took the day off also, but I also had a 14 hour work day). So today, at 2 pm when he had still yet to send out a blog, I text him and simply say, "Blog". His response? (You're not going to believe this by the way) "I'm sleeping". That's a prank right? How am I supposed to run a very small to medium- small sized smut blog when my number two man is playing tiddleywinks and having bed sores until 3 in the afternoon? If I don't start getting some solid blogs in from Fudge then I may have to get all desperate and hire my only two commentors, Not So Good Looking Keanu Reeves and that one retard Couch. It's a sad day at Black Stallion Blogs headquarters when that happens. Sad day indeed

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