Friday, December 20, 2013

PR Rep For Owners of And College Humor Has Tweet Of The Year

This tweet has gone absolutely bonkers viral today. It's murdering my twitter timeline, and straight up, I laugh out loud every single time I read it. This is something that you're drunk college friend tweets after 23 beers, and this lady tweeted it out right before boarding a plane to Africa! Best part is: her flight hasn't landed yet HAHA DIABOLICAL. Justine is kicking back eating her 9th bag of mini peanuts and watching Tristan and Isolde. Meanwhile the entire world is foaming at the mouth trying to get their hands on her. Real question is does Justine Sacco actually think only black people get AIDS? Magic Johnson and the whole of Africa are currently the only people who have ever held the virus in her mind. I cannot even imagine the hell waiting for her at the airport once the African people get their carrier pigeon about this tragedy. Line of dudes lining up at gate B26 ready to run train and spread that AIDS love Justine is apparently genetically immune to. 

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