Tuesday, December 17, 2013

This Week In Jerry Jones Is Delusional: Cowboy's Loss Can Be Blamed On Linebacker Injuries, Not Romo

Original Story

Did anyone not see this coming? Seriously though? Yeah linebacker injuries hurt us, but are they the sole reason our defense gives up literally 40 points a game? Absolutely not. This organization is just fucked up with top to bottom. Jones will never admit that Romo, Garrett, Kiffin, or himself are ever less than qualified to do their jobs. That is never more clear than nobody even mentioning that Romo checked out of a run play to throw the ball (which was subsequently picked off) in a game we had the lead with 4 minutes left in. The collective lack of football knowledge bouncing around this franchise continues to baffle me. The only solution? Hire me at GM. Yeah I know that all of my 14 readers are probably saying "Hey Salzsquatch, you never even played football past your freshmen year of high school,  and you straight up sucked. What makes you think you can run America's Team?" Well first off, my readers are idiots, I was a monster at defensive end. Second, who applies for a new, high profile GM job without properly making a game plan? Not Salzsquatch. First thing I do is fire everyone. Gotta start with a clean slate. Second move is hiring Jimmy McGinty to turn my squad around, no one knows where to find the scrappy players my team needs better then him. We casually stock the new look Cowboys with some unknown guys and make a run at the championship replacement style. And with a QB like Footsteps Falco there really isn't a way we lock down the NFC East, in style I might add.

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