Thursday, December 19, 2013

Does This Look Like The Face Of A Guy Who Had Store Attendant Hold His Gun While He Tried On The Shirt He Planned To Steal?

Original Story
How about the balls on this guy? Not only is he too badass to pay for shirts, he asked the person he was robbing to hold onto his gun while he tried the shirt on. Robbing a store is one thing, but using a pellet gun to do it is pretty ballsy. And how about the dude trying on the shirt? The last time I tried on a shirt in the store I think I was 13. At a certain age you just know what size you are, no need to waste time slipping one on. Best part of the story is him asking which shirt matched his shoes. Classic bad guy move. Jaws would be proud (still on my James Bond marathon).
Creep city, but gotta respect that confidence.

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